Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How to be a Strict and Demanding Mistress

Words of wisdom from a good friend
"It is very crucial and vital that you are an aggressive Dominant. That you are demanding, strict, and unyielding when training, punishing and treating your slave as you should be 24/7."  

"That's your main job making sure he stays submissive and in his place. His complete submission and commitment to serve you, depends on you treating him like the bitch you want him to be. Constant, strict discipline and punished severely for any rule breaking. That's the key to getting the begging submissive that waits on you hand and foot, never back talks and begs you to get fucked."
                                                                                                               -Miss Quinn 2015-

Being strict and demanding is easy, you just need to have the right attitude and mindset for it. Its finding ways to do it in public or around friends and relatives that can be a challenge. There should be no excuse on your part for not being a proper dominant and taking your role serious. He isn't just going to start out as the perfect bitch or simply obey all your commands. You need to work at it and your going to have to force him, control him and break him. It is your responsibility to keep him in the proper atmosphere, make him follow the rules and punish if he doesn't you will have to train him to be the perfect little bitch you envision through training nights. This means you make time, you plan, you make it happen, you see it through. He needs to see the dominant, take charge side of you to open up and start submitting. Not the "I'm to tired, your in trouble tomorrow", or other excuses you have used, Its lame, and it will never work! A good Dominatrix knows this and plans for everything. She knows what she wants and she does everything to make it happen. So what do you really want? A true submissive bitch that never back talks, asks questions, obeys every command and begs you to get big cock OR a mouthy, semi submissive when he wants, who ask questions, and forces his input husband.....Because you will get out of this what you put into it and you will only have yourself to blame 3 months down the road when he wants no part of it! So why is it so important and vital to always be strict and demanding, and to punish severely for unruliness? Well for one it sets his place so that he knows exactly where his place is, whats expected of him, and the consequences for disobedience. It will make him fear you and shorten the training time. Plus when you do find that hot guy you really like, whom fucks the shit out of you, it will keep and jealousy problems from happening (and trust me even if he is not the jealous type, he will be when your fucking this guys 3-5 days a week and he gets nothing). Also, so there is never any doubt of where his place is and he never confuses his place as an equal to you or that he has any say so. That's what this is all about, him being in his place, serving his mistress and focusing on your desires. This is what you want, Right? So make it happen and don't waste your time. This is not a part time lifestyle, or an on again, off again commitment, this is 24/7/365 and anything else will result in failure. Being a strict, demanding dominant also sends a clear message to him that you are and will be in charge, the boss, and only authority. This shows you are serious and will take no bullshit or excuses from him which will further your control over him and bring out the submissive you need making it easier to train him.

But the main reason to be a strict and demanding bitch is thats what works to get results and it will also pay off in the long run. You see the first few weeks, the urge to orgasm is low but building with intensity, this is the beginning phase and the easy part. After a month or so of training, no pussy, and no orgasms, the elevated hormones will put him in a sex craved frenzy and cause him to rebel or possibly explode with a temper tantrum to find a reason to have sex. If you haven't done your job and put him in his proper place this whole time he will respond in negative ways and say he doesn't want to be the submissive anymore. He will pick fights or argue to ruin the work you did do, to get you to give in and have sex with him. This is not his fault, its the surge of elevated chemicals in his brain that makes him lash out and become emotionally disruptive. But if PROPER, strict, and demanding training has been done, those same surge of chemicals will have a reverse affect causing the fall to a submissive state, feeling helpless to do anything about his situation, but surrender and submit to your authority. That's the power of punishment yielded by a smart Dominatrix and thus why being so strict and demanding at all times is so vital. Reinforcing back talk, unruly behavior, or disobedience with severe punishment is the way to get the obedient submissive you desire, and it works. There is absolutely nothing that will change an attitude and bring out submissiveness in a disobedient slave like a severe round of 100 spankings with a mix of canes and whips across his ass. I'm talking beating to tears type of spanking that will leave welts and bruises that he will feel for a week every time he kneels. It will reinforce that he has no power, no say so or choice in all matters, rules, chores and especially sex, and more importantly your sex and when, how, and who you have it with. It will help maintain your power and authority on days when training has lapsed for what ever reason and it will shorten the training time for him. Plus it forces him to be submissive to you because he will fear you, thinking back to the beating he felt the last time he got mouthy. It also helps in reinforcing that his place is serving you, all of which will keep him from back talk or questioning you or your motives (especially if he is punished severely for those acts, which he definitely should be).

There are many ways and practices used in the lifestyle to dominate or rule your slave, but they all use  punishments and the proper tone and aggressiveness when speaking to and training the male slave in order to be successful. If you want to be successful, regardless of the rules and training path you choose, you must take your role as his Mistress serious and enforce your rules as well as punish for disobedience. You must change your old roles and old lifestyle of "husband/wife" to what you really want as the Dominatrix/slave lifestyle. When I speak to give an order I say it in a firm voice, "get me a soda" I sometimes say "NOW" at the end of orders to help motivate him faster. With that same mind set, you should never ask him to do anything and if he is slow moving obeying orders, then speak in a louder tone and repeat the order or say "do it now". Being strict means you make him follow every rule, always and he should always be on his knees, naked! You have no excuse, and there is no excuse for not being the dominant you need to be and forcing him to be the slave you want him to be and your success depends on it. If you are in public or places that would prohibit normal submission, come up with other ways that would allow him to show his place as your submissive, like opening all doors for you or you ordering his food. Either way, ALWAYS make him follow the rules and be the bitch you want him to be.

One girl told me she treats her Sub like a dog. She always speaks in a firm, demanding voice and uses simple phrases or one word orders like knell or shut up. She snaps her fingers and points to the floor and he knows what to do. She makes him eat on the floor out of a dog dish or plate designated as his dish. He sleeps on the floor and is treated like a bitch at all times, of course he had to be trained this way. She also uses words like good boy, with a little rub on his chastity area when he has done whats expected. This is on track as the slave term "BITCH" actually originates from that sort of practice. However you need to be more than this, more aggressive and take no shit stance. You need to be a ruthless mean bitch, and your attitude and demeanor needs to reflect that your in control. Another girl told me that she treats her bitch like an unruly child, calling him bitch or a girly name, and having him dress like a sissy. She uses corporal punishments and corner time just because she can and its 10 fold worse with disobedience. Again this is in line with how things should be, but the best way I've heard is from a dominatrix that said she treats her sub hubby like a stranger with no emotional ties. She has completely deferred his status and purpose as her husband to his more suited status as her bitch and his only purpose is serving her. She doesn't let feelings or emotions get in the way of how she treats him or punishes him, in fact she is down right ruthless towards him especially with regards to punishing him for disobedience. She said that while she loves him dearly, it doesn't change his place as her bitch and how he should be treated. He is after all her bitch, which is exactly what she wants him to be and is in the place she wants him to be. His begging and tears from brutal spankings do not cause her to go easy on him, it helps her to know she's on the right track, especially by how truly submissive and eager he is to please her the next few days after a good hard beating, I completely agree....

I look at it like this, and you should too, my relationship has changed to the way I want it, I'm the boss and he obeys me period. I dont care about his thoughts and feelings on the matter, it wouldn't change my choice anyway. I don't want an equal, I don't want his input, I don't want sex from him, and I really don't want to hear anything out of him but yes or no mistress or begging to please me. Actually, I don't even want our relationship to consist of husband and wife, I want it to be more of how it should be, "Mistress and bitch". I mean that's what he is here for, to serve and obey me, to be my bitch. That aside from his money is the only thing I want out him and when it comes to sex I want a real man, not a bitch with a little penis who can't last more than 4-5 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I love him deeply, and would never choose anyone over him but I don't let that get in the way of his purpose to me, his training, and punishments. I want him to know his place and beg to be there. I want him to accept being my bitch and his submission to me. I want him to accept that his little clit doesn't please me the way I deserve and is locked away 24/7 to focus on his real purpose, serving me they way he should, and I deserve. His only purpose for me is serving, following commands, and obeying with out back talk or question. He is here for the sole purpose to please me in any way I see fit and make my life better. He is never to ask or question me about whom I'm fucking, where I'll be, or when I'll come home or anything else. To do so would be a punishment so severe he wouldn't ever forget it. And because I'm so strict and control him like that he is always happily submissive and eager to obey but more importantly, turned on by it. I do what I want, when I want to and that is how it should be.

My sex life is none of his business, but I do tell him the juicy parts to humiliate him, more detailed when training. I want him to be humiliated about his little clit and inability to please me. I want him to be humiliated about me thinking about and fucking real men with bigger cocks that can last longer. I also want him humiliated that he isn't allowed anything to do with pussy, and that I truly prefer fucking other men over him. I also want him humiliated that he has to wear panties and get fucked like a sissy bitch to get pleasure. Notice I said PLEASURE, because when I allow it, that's all he gets as he is never allowed to cum or feel an orgasm. Fucking him with my strap-on will only give pleasure as its impossible to orgasm from just fucking him with out penis stimulation. Humiliation is the second strongest tool and form of control, that brings out his submissiveness and forces him to take his place. It actually makes slaves more submissive and eager to please being thought of and treated just like the bitch he is. The more you are cruel, humiliating, strict, and demanding, the more they are submissive and eager to obey, especially when punished severely for not doing so. The more I get fucked, the more submissive he is and willing to serve and obey me. Being this way towards him and fucking other men several times a week makes him very submissive and willing to do anything I say or want. He understands he must do what he can to please me because I am definitely being pleased sexually by other men which further reinforces his only reason and place. Its an erotic, blissful cycle, one I never want to give up or go back to the way it was!

He will never have an orgasm with his penis again or put his tiny worthless worm in pussy again. In fact he isn't allowed anything to do with pussy and I mean nothing except for the rare times he watches me get fucked, allowed to smell pussy through my panties, or when he's licking my clit as i'm getting pounded by big cock....All of which I do in humiliating ways. That's how I want it, that's how it is, that's how its going to be. I keep it this way because its a form of control, it works best, and it really turns me on. Being strict keeps him submissive, and keeps him under control. Being strict is keeping him on his knees and making him do things to serve and obey you. When you demand his submission and punish for all his failures or rule breaking he will fear not obeying you, he will fear you and always do as he is told. Making him follow the rules full time keeps him in check and keeps him submissive. He is happy serving me and even happier that I treat him this way and so am I. All slaves and bitches feel this way, Trust me, even yours. They would rather serve and watch us have sex then have sex them self. In fact, after trained properly they are almost not even capable of getting an erection with out our devious input or interactions. They really don't look at other women and will not desire sex with another women. They only desire their the pleasure the way we give it. They have come to realize that its better for them this way and that they reach levels of satisfaction they never knew possible.  

 Being strict and demanding is a must, but it means nothing if you don't back it up with punishments or make him follow the rules and obey orders.  Punish harshly for rule breaking, back talking, asking inappropriate questions, speaking with out permission, or even failure to show his submission. Do not take any bull shit from him and punish if he gives it. If you want things different and you want them your way, follow my advice above and you will never regret it. Once you do it for a few days to a week you will see a change in his attitude and submission, and you will see a bitch that longs to serve and obey his mistress.